The Campus Management System, designed to promote digital institution administration is unique and comprehensive software suitable for any university.
Its host of features allows a user to maintain academic history of students with complete transparency in records and provides a medium for teachers, staff and administration to work in harmony.
The application comprehends all the features relevant to the university, is protected by a password and is restricted to registered users accessibility. |
1 |
Administration Management. |
User defined Subjects, Class, Divisions, Number of days, Academic year, Periods, Post, Caste and Religion. |
Provision to adjust teachers’ allocation periods. |
The Admission no: and Roll No: in the class can be decided by the administrator. |
The administrator can assign the fee amount for the whole year. |
2 |
Back-Up Option |
A Back-Up Option is provided for the administrator to take the back-up of the database. There by we are imposing more security on the data and if any failiure happens it will be preserved. |
3 |
User Management |
The administrator is allowed to set different users with privileges depending upon their mode of work. Each and every staff is provided with a username and password. |
4 |
Permissions & Privileges |
This module is used by the administrator to prevent unauthorized access to the system. Any user logging into the system can access only those functions for which he/she has been granted rights for. |
5 |
Student Admission & Registration |
This module enables you to store all personal details regarding a student, his/her parents, and his/her siblings, health. His/Her class and division can be assigned. |
6 |
Examinations and Performance Handling with Marks |
This module deals with the academic performance as well as marks of each and every student. Respective staffs are given privilege to view the marks. There is also provision for entering the remarks. |
7 |
Rank list Generation with Grade. |
Automatic rank list will be generated along with grade for all classes. The data will be stored permanently and can be viewed after the whole academic year. This will be helpful for the staffs to perform evaluation of students. |
8 |
Cultural & Sports Activity Management. |
Cultural and sports activities of the students will be maintained and necessary reports are available for viewing the class wise and school wise performance. Inter zone cultural and sports activities are also included. |
9 |
Attendance Management |
Student’ attendance is recorded and managed throughout the academic year. Attendance can be marked both on daily and monthly basis and attendance percentage is calculated automaticlly.Corredponding reports are also generated. |
10 |
Certificate Management. |
In this module all types of certificates like: |
Conduct certificate |
Course certificate |
Tax deduction certificate |
Birth certificate, etc... |
Can be generated within no time, and printing can be done in different formats (with or with out Letter head). |
11 |
T.C.Generation |
In this Option T.C of a particular student either a present or former student can be generated easily, and option for different printing formats (with or with out Letter head) are also available. |
12 |
Birthday Management. |
In this option, Birthday of students is automatically displayed. There is option for both daily and monthly display.
13 |
Student Promotion |
This module handles with promotion of students after each academic year based on their overall performance. reports like Class/Division wise promotion list are available. |
14 |
Staff Admission & Registration. |
This module enables you to store all personal details regarding a staff, his/her career details, subject specialization etc… |
15 |
Evaluation & Performance. |
This module deals with the evaluation and performance of all staff. The evaluation can be done by both student and staff. Entry to evaluation is restricted by user name and password. Staff performance is automatically calculated depends on the evaluation done. |
16 |
Utilities for Staff. |
This module contains messaging option for staff (public and private) message, Staff room allotment, duty list etc… |
Question Bank & Question Paper Setting |
This module enables teachers to |
Add/edit question |
Answers for all questions |
Prepare / Set your own question paper within few minutes. |
Provision to create your own question bank for any board/any standard. |
Flexible to operate. |
Manual and Auto Generation Methods. |
Option to save the generated question papers |
18 |
Time-Table Management. |
This module is a very full featured utility designed to create and manage school timetables and staff timetables based upon student course requests. For all this you only need to enter some piece of basic data which includes information regarding teachers, class, subject, and school week duration, time duration of lecture, etc...Based on this timetable for each class and staff timetable is generated.
19 |
Substitution Assigning. |
This is a sub module of timetable. In this module if a staff is on leave or not taking the class. His /her class is substituted with another teacher automatically. |
20 |
Birthday Management. |
In this option, Birthday of staff is automatically displayed. There is option for entering original date of birth and date of birth as in records. |
Library Management with Book Issue & Renewal. |
The Library Management System is designed & developed for a receipt and issuance of books in the library along with the student’s/staff’s details. Its features are: |
Barcode Scanning |
Book/Catalog Management |
Circulation Management |
Custom User Interface |
Customer Database |
Customizable Reports |
Search Functionality |
Fine Calculation and Collection |
Advance reservation of books |
Renewal option |
22 |
Reservation Management. |
This is a sub module of library. Every user (Staff/Student) is provided with username and password. By using their corresponding logins user can reserve books. |
23 |
Bar-Code Integration. |
Bar-code scanning is integrated with library. Using this facility he librarian don’t have to type book name, it is automatically detected through barcode. |
Fee Management. |
Fees categorization is possible. |
Student wise categorization is also possible. |
Fee deductions as well as concessions can be provided. |
Transportation Fee is included. |
Single/Multi user environment. |
Automatic fine calculation. |
Easy to incorporate with banks. |
Reports:- |
Fees collection summary report can be generated for All Fees category / specific fees category / specified period / combination of the both. |
Fees collection details report can be generated for All Fees category / specific fees category / all fees heads / specific fees head / specified period / combination of the both. |
Pending fees list can be generated for Fees category-wise / class-wise / division-wise / month-wise. |
Deduction given details report can be generated for specified periods / fees head-wise / class-wise / division-wise. |
Payroll or Staff-Fee Management. |
Manage Employee Information Efficiently |
Define all the perks, deductions, leave, tax, loans, advance etc |
Create his own Salary Structure and formulae |
Generate Pay-Slip at the convenience of a single mouse click |
Generate and Manage the Payroll Processes according to the Salary Structure assigned to the employee |
Generate all the Reports related to Branch, Department, employee, attendance/leave, payroll, Bonus etc |
Monthly Salary Statement |
PF/EPF Statement |
Form 6(a) (Revised) Statement for PF. |
Overall Perks Report. |
Attendance Management. |
Fully fletched attendance with paid holidays, half days, leaves with & without pays is maintained. |
Attendance based on various leave types and other duties. |
Monthly, weekly and daily attendance has been incorporated. |
Proper reports with daily, monthly and weekly attendance are available. |
Hostel or Dormitory Management. |
Dormitory management with separate rooms as well as dorms for boys and girls will be maintained. |
Staff and student hostels will be considered separately. |
Hostel wardens are given separate privilege to manage the entire module. |
Hostel wise, student wise and admission wise detailed reports are available. |
Hostel Admission & Registration. |
Separate admission procedure will be maintained for boys and girls. The registration procedure will be performed only once. Separate reports will be available based on the date of admission, hostel name, class etc. |
Necessary reports will be provided to view the monthly fee payment, termly fee payment; list of students not paid the fees, list of excess fee amounts, concession amounts. |
Pocket Money Management. |
A definite amount will be saved as “Pocket Money” which can be withdrawn by the student as per his/her needs. The parent deposits the amount at the time of fee payment. Reports are available to view the transaction of the pocket money. |
Performance Analysis of Hostel Students. |
Separate reports will be available to show the academic performances of hostel students. Depends on these performances it is very easy for the parents as well as the teachers to evaluate the students. Term wise, Year wise, and Examination wise analysis are available. |
Mess Management for Staff & Students. |
Mess has been managed separately for students as well as staffs. The mess bill for the staffs will be automatically deduced from the salary. |
Lab Management. |
Separate lab management has been included in the software. Separate report of each item will be available. Data wise, month wise and period wise reports are available. |
Fine calculation and breakage has been handled effectively. Separate fine and common breakage fine is handled. |
Reports based on the items available and current stock balance is also available. |
Stock & Inventory Management. |
Separate store facility has been included with sales and purchase. Necessary reports are available to indicate the current stock balance and sold & purchased items. |
There is option for individual item wise sale and kit wise sale. Automatic billing is possible after each sale in the required format. It is also possible to perform the bill cancellation if there is any error data was found. |
The software handles with purchase and sales return also. |
Necessary reports include date wise, month wise and year wise transaction. |
Discipline Management for Staff & Students. |
This helps the Principal to evaluate the students and staffs based on their performance. |
Transportation Management. |
This module contains all key elements to manage the transportation system for any school. Provision to define a route and attach vehicles and students to the route are provided. This route definition is directly linked to the student details. |
While defining a route, rates are also defined for each point. System can calculate the bus fee for each student utilizing the school transportation system and add to the fee structure for that particular student. |
Important Features:- |
Vehicle management |
Define route and attach students to routes |
Define fees for routes |
Track student transportation |
Vehicle Running and Maintenance |
Important outputs:- |
Up-to-date report of students using the particular bus and particular trip. |
School bus schedule |
Student listing by route |
Vehicle running and maintenance reports |
Bus fee collection report |
SMS and E-Mail |
SMS can be send to the students and parents for birthdays, sudden holidays, etc. using our software. |
RFID(Radio-frequency identifiation) |
We provide RFID based attendance marking using a RFID kit.It is an automatic identification method, relying on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags. The students and faculty members are provided with RFID devices/tags. The RFID system makes it possible to monitor the movement of tagged users and record their real time data and pass it to processing system to maintain a log. Using the recorded information, this system is capable of
- marking attendance
- marking unauthorized entry
- payroll calculations
The system is comprehensive, effective and efficient, thus can help in automating the students' administration. |
KIOSK Management. |
An Interactive kiosk is a computer terminal that provides information access via electronic methods. |
Our Kiosk Management System provides details like |
School Time Table |
School Calendar |
Conveyance Facility |
Messages |
Current Events & News |
Extracurricular activities & Performances |
Photo Gallery
Bank Integration |
ETNL provides direct integration of the school’s bank account with our Campus Management System. The parents can pay the total school fee for a month or a term or for full year as a single payment through online or directly at the bank. Our software will automatically post it to the respective heads like tuition fee, bus fee, library fee, PTA fund, computer lab fee, etc. This is successfully implemented and we can give reference for same. |