Domain registration enables you to obtain an "Internet Domain Name" or "Web Address" which is your unique identity address on the Internet. A domain name takes the form of a string of characters, followed by a period or "dot" and then by another string of characters, usually com, net or org.
The last set of characters is referred to as the Top Level Domain, or "TLD". Your domain name is referred to technically as a Second Level Domain, or "SLD". Some commonly known domain names are yahoo.com and ebay.com
The domain name registers on a first-come, first-served basis and allocate domain names. Once a domain name has been reserved, it is no longer available. The most popular and easily remembered domain names are being reserved daily by aggressive companies and prudent business people.
Regardless of the nature of your business, an internet address or domain name is of crucial importance to the promotion of your enterprise. This intellectual property could be at risk of being abused staining your reputation, corporate identity and brand if timely registration of appropriate domain name is done as soon as a business is registered. Hence, at ETNL, we advise and help clients register domain names even if they are not ready to launch a website. |
Tips for selecting an appropriate domain name:
Your domain name should reflect your business name or the topic your site will cover.
It should be a unique and concise name that is easy to say, remember, and spell.
You can use only letters, numbers, and hyphens in your domain name. Spaces or other symbols are not allowed.
If your first choice isn't available, try rearranging the word order, adding hyphens, or using abbreviations or locations to come up with a unique alternative.