ETNL Designs provides quality web hosting services on Linux and Windows platforms. Your website needs dependable hosting to remain profitable. Our web hosting is renowned for its world-class uptime and support, the foundation our clients need to succeed in the online world. |
Our high-end technical team can transform your web presence into a profit center by providing the tools you need to succeed. Our world-class reliability and network diversity means your site will be at peak performance. |
Benefits of hosting your website with ETNL
ETNL offers upgradeable, customized web hosting plans for ecommerce and corporate websites. All plans include added-benefit services and advanced 24/7 technical support
Our web hosting plans include: |
- Secure FTP for fast and reliable file transfers
- Web-based email, including the convenience of email forwarding
- Expandable database support using MySql and MS SQL
- Most advanced shopping cart supportive software
- Extensive and detailed web statistics to track your site's success
- Server admin control panel, including H-SPHERE or Cpanel control panel
Technical details of web hosting |
Windows 2003
- Windows 2003 Server
- Internet Information Server 5.0/6.0
- Active Server Pages 3.0
- Frontpage 2000
- CGI-Bin with Perl Support
- Tomcat 3.2.1/4.1/5.5
- Java Servlets 2.2/2.3/2.4, JSP Support 1.1/1.2/2.0
- WAP Support
- MS-SQL Server 7.0 & 2000 / MS Access Database
- ASP.NET frame work 2.0 package
- Macromedia Shockwave / Flash Support
- Microsoft CDONTS Mail Component
- Third party ASP Component
- Password protected directories
- 24/7/365 FTP Access
- High speed OC-12 lines
- E-mail ids FREE
Linux |
- Linux Server
- Apache 1.34
- CGI-Bin with Perl 5.6 Support
- PHP 4.0 Support
- Java Servlets 2.2, JSP Support 1.1
- WAP Support
- MySQL 3.23.54 Database
- Macromedia Shockwave / Flash Support
- Password protected directories
- 24/7/365 FTP Access
- High speed OC-12 lines
- E-mail ids FREE